UX of Disguise



Design a way to manipulate and deceive perceptual recognition.

Task One

Using two distinct research methods, Artefact analysis and Data physicalisation.

Team Members

Slavi Kaloferov,  Rebecca Hodge,   Munira Kazi,   Dexian Wang(Devin)

Our Attempt 1.0

1. We try different ways to disguise expressions.
2. We tried a lot but still far from a prototype.

What’s the Next?

1. John gave me advice to consider disguise from computer eyes. Such as zoom.

Our Attempt 2.0

1.We tried a lot of things but the effect was not stable.

Our Attempt 2.1

1.Slavi found a data visualization website for computers to recognize faces. https://storage.googleapis.com/tfjs-models/demos/body-pix/index.html

Our Attempt 2.2

1.We found that when these two parts were covered, the computer could not recognize our shape.

Making Prototype 2.0

1.We made our first prototype based on this and it worked!

Making Prototype 2.1

1.We're trying to figure out how much coverage we need for computers not to recognize us.

Making Prototype 2.2

1.We think about ideas based on this principle, and refer to some fashion cases.

Making Prototype 2.3

1.We made four masks that can blur your face in a zoom meeting.

Final Presentation & Feedback

1.We could have thought more of ergonomics of the item - how it fits on the head for comfort and also potentially for walking with it or at least more movement.
2.On that note we should have done more rigorous research - measured distances from the screen, summarised/ analysed what are the successful parts of our masks. - John
3.We could have played if possible to make only certain parts of our head visible - kind of like degrees of privacy... And here John suggested our usecase - kind of leaning towards activism and online calls.