UX of Human Senses



Design a wearable experience derived from your sensory experiences of London.

Task One

Investigate the postman park according to exteroception, and produce the basic prototype.

Team Members

Tanya Singh,  Slavi Kaloferov,  Yanxu Chen,  Dexian Wang(Devin)

First Question:What is Exteroception?

Our senses are exteroception, which means that external items affect our five senses, such as touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste.

Second Question: What is the Postman Park?

1.Postman's Park is a public garden in London and one of the largest open spaces in the City of London.
2.We make a general record of this public garden.
3.Then we experience postman park according to our five senses.👇

Sense of Touch 👋

Sense of Hearing 👂

Sense of Smell 👃

Sense of Vision 👀

Sense of Taste 👅 : There is nothing to taste, but we can taste the air.

Field research ends

1.While we were researching, gardeners were cleaning up the park.
2.We asked the gardener for some plants from the park and felt it would be helpful for prototyping.

Mind Map and Sketch

1.Collect and refine our data and use mind map to draw concepts.
2.And then  we paint our final sketches from the concept.

Concept Explain:

1.A volunteer wears the device.
2.The audiences reach into the Tombox to feel the texture of park items.
3.The device on the head will play the natural sounds of Postman Park.

Making Prototype

1.The main materials are white cardboard, paper towels and white cloth.
2.From 2d to 3d, we are pleasure to see Yanxu's clothing cutting technology.

Week One Pressentation & Feedback

There are so many things we want to express, we need to simplify.
It's better to focus on one sense.